Being a parent isn’t always easy and, at times, it is hard work
Before babies can communicate verbally, understanding their needs can be challenging and the signs of distress can appear in many ways: crying, screaming, whining, arching back – these could be due to teething, upset stomach, hunger, thirst, heat, cold or pain.
This is also the case when they are older and still unable to articulate what is wrong.
The signs of distress can happen at any time of day or night when at home or abroad.
As they get older they inevitably get into scrapes, get bumps, bruises, can break bones, pick up germs for their friends and get the latest virus going around.
Wouldn’t it be amazing to be able to offer help and ease pain instantly? With Pranic Healing you can do just that.
It’s not a substitute for traditional medicine but it gives you a new skill to help them before you might be able to see a doctor, if necessary.
Pranic Healing teaches you about the energetic anatomy, which is the blue print for the physical anatomy.
Just because we can’t see it – it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist.
One affects the other.
The body is always giving tell-tale signs of its condition, when you understand these signs you can help speed up its innate ability to heal itself.
You can learn treatments for common ailments that many children suffer, such as:
§ Simple skin allergy
§ Nose bleeds
§ Cuts
§ Infected Wounds
§ Insect Bites
§ Burns
§ Bedwetting
§ Toothache
§ Headache
§ Stomach Ache
On an emotional level, there is also exam stress to contend with, friendship break ups, peer pressure, sibling rivalry, hormone ups and downs, ache breakouts and just the general trials and tribulations that come with growing up.
You can remove stress and anxiety for them quickly and easily and also show them ways that they can use to help understand and manage their emotions and relationships.
Discover new skills to help yourself and your family.
Register today at: www.ukpranichealing.co.uk