Do you need money to be happy?

No, but let’s be realistic, you can’t do the things your heart desires if there aren’t the funds to support it. Money is an enabler and it affects every area of your life.
Your finances, indirectly, affect your body physically. If funds are low, you might have to work very hard or even take on two jobs to supplement your income, becoming physically drained can affect your immune system. Your financial situation can also put a lot of stress on your relationships. How many times does an argument stem from money? It can affect your self-esteem too. Lack of self-worth can create stress, anxiety and depression. Depression can even stop you from getting out of bed and taking opportunities that present themselves, which might be able to change and improve your situation.
So how are your finances? Have you looked at them lately? Do you know what your income and outgoings are?
The point of this exercise is to make you aware of your thoughts and actions around money and finances. If you don’t address things then you can’t make the necessary changes needed to improve.
Take some time to look at your finances. Make a list of your incomings and outgoings. Is there a shortfall? Where can you cut back? Be organised, don’t overspend, budget for events and purchases.

Thoughts are just energy which your mind creates. It doesn’t matter where your thoughts or beliefs about money came from, it’s what you do about them now. There is an easy way to move forward, take control and have a more positive outlook around your life and finances, which will make you feel more empowered.
By taking specific Pranic Healing classes and using the simple techniques taught, you can overcome financial worries, gain a sense of inner peace and improve your mental clarity.
Attending these courses isn’t just about ‘healing’ as in the normal sense we understand ie healing others. They teach you many ways, all tested and validated to help improve your life. Lessons like scheduling, organisation and how to use the ancient sciences and natural laws to attract prosperity and wealth. But what can you do about removing the repeating negative thoughts surrounding finances?
With Level 3 Pranic Psychotherapy, there is no limit to what you can achieve. Not only can you remove stress and anxiety from the body, but can also learn how to remove the emotions of fear, self-doubt and low self-esteem.
And it doesn’t stop there. In classes like Spiritual Business Management and Kriyashakti, you learn how to run your life like a business and the art of materialisation.
Pranic Healing is the gateway to a world of possibilities to improve your life and the lives of others, not only physically, but emotionally thus creating a better life and financial wellness for all.